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Coal Forum Headlines

It is our intent to keep you and your colleagues abreast of pertinent developments within the coal industry on a frequent basis. 

Accordingly, Coal Forum Headlines is a compilation of daily articles and stories about coal from around the region and the world. Upon reviewing this news stream, if you have suggestions to improve it or make it more useful please let us know.  And lastly, please share this with your colleagues and if they have an interest simply have them visit here to receive future editions directly.

Local coal company donates over $20,000 to Ohio County Sheriff’s Department’s “Cops n Kids” program

One local company is helping the Ohio County Sheriff’s Department make a difference in the lives of many children this holiday season ...

Movie about West Virginia coal miners picked to be part of National Film Registry

"Matewan," the 1987 film about West Virginia coal miners that was shot in the Mountain State, is among the 25 films picked to be preserved in the ...

Legislators & advocates highlight major black lung legislation & fight back against attacks on ...
Appalachian Voices

... coal miners the benefits that were earned,” said McGarvey. “The premise ... coal miners' families from the benefits they deserve. When a coal miner ...

25 Largest Coal Producing Countries in the World - Yahoo Finance

Yahoo Finance
Global Coal Dynamics. In recent decades, global coal production has undergone significant changes, impacting various industries and the overall energy ...

Solar and Wind to Top Coal Power in US for First Time in 2024 - BNN Bloomberg
BNN Bloomberg

That will be down from 669 billion kilowatt-hours this year as utilities continue to shutter coal-burning power plants. Meanwhile, developers are ...

Euroviews. Rapid coal phase-out in the Western Balkans is far from impossible

The crucial question is, what can replace them, Tanja Miščević and Christian Egenhofer write. ADVERTISEMENT. The issue of coal phase-out remains a ...

EIA expects power from solar, wind generation to top coal next year - MarketWatch

Renewable energy is set to take on a greater role in the new year, with solar and wind together set to generate more power than coal for the first ...

S.Africa's Thungela cuts coal production over rail crisis - Reuters

Thermal coal exporter Thungela Resources on Wednesday said it expects a 7.6% decline in production from its South African operations after curbing ...

COP28 Latest: Climate Talks End With Deal on Transition Away From Fossil Fuels - Bloomberg

After a pledge to phase down coal in Glasgow two years ago, consumption has continued to rise and the world remains very unlikely to limit warming ...

Coal not yet not confined to the “old days” by World Bank Group - Bretton Woods Project
Bretton Woods Project

This coal funding not only contributes to significant greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating already disastrous levels of global warming, but also has ...

Europe's coal imports eye 8-month high in December - Montel News
Montel News

(Montel) European thermal coal imports looked set to reach an eight-month high in December as generators stock up in case of winter demand spikes, ...

Possible Search for Coal and Lithium in the RS, without the Consent of the local Government
Sarajevo Times

... coal without the consent of the local community and without an environmental impact study. If the law is passed, only the earnings on mined coal ...

Glencore is the latest coal mining company to face class action - BusinessLIVE

Over the last five months, Spoor has filed applications for certification of a class against several former and current coal mining companies in SA.

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Who We Are
The West Virginia Coal Forum was created in 1986 under the auspices of the Mine Safety & Technical Review Committee and at the direction of the West Virginia Legislative Committee on Coal Mining. This body was created to establish a forum for the coal industry to jointly resolve or develop technical and other issues impacting the industry, particularly those issues of an economic nature, or of major significance to the coal industry. The Forum also provides a means for management and labor leaders to develop joint legislative issues and programs and to promote the coal industry.

West Virginia Coal Forum
106 Dee Drive | Charleston, WV 25311