It is our intent to keep you and your colleagues abreast of pertinent developments within the coal industry on a frequent basis.
Accordingly, Coal Forum Headlines is a compilation of daily articles and stories about coal from around the region and the world. Upon reviewing this news stream, if you have suggestions to improve it or make it more useful please let us know. And lastly, please share this with your colleagues and if they have an interest simply have them visit here to receive future editions directly.
Meet the man fighting for our miners - AFR
The coal industry had been expanding, and it did create a lot of local angst and competition for land. “The land use policy was a real problem, not ...
Who We Are The West Virginia Coal Forum was created in 1986 under the auspices of the Mine Safety & Technical Review Committee and at the direction of the West Virginia Legislative Committee on Coal Mining. This body was created to establish a forum for the coal industry to jointly resolve or develop technical and other issues impacting the industry, particularly those issues of an economic nature, or of major significance to the coal industry. The Forum also provides a means for management and labor leaders to develop joint legislative issues and programs and to promote the coal industry.